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Press Release: Collaboration in the Edu-space-tech industry

We are proud to announce a collaboration between Out of the Box and yourscienceBC ltd and its educational branch, yourscienceEDU in implementing educational initiatives in the field of space in Europe and Italy specifically.

The cooperation between the companies will allow us to reach the private sector, educational institutions and public organizations with innovative, creative content for training the next (and current) generations to explore and work in the new space world.

Out of the Box is a social enterprise that promotes innovation and entrepreneurship in the field of aviation and space. The Israeli venture has already reached 9 different countries and is now deepening its activities in the USA with a new local office and in Europe through this strong and promising collaboration.

yourscienceBC ltd and its educational branch yourscienceEDU provide research and consulting to companies that want to take a step forward into the world of space technology. (The space industry is expected to reach a trillion dollars in annual revenue by 2040).

The cooperation between the companies will ensure that the next generation will have the skills and knowledge to work in an intergalactic world. It will also help today's companies to take part in the new space race with ground-breaking ideas for application on Earth, the Moon or Mars.

Contact us for more details or collaborations,

Vered Cohen Barzilay, Director, Out of the Box

Domenico Maria Caprioli, General Director, yourscienceBC ltd

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